your premier outdoor gear BOUTIQUE
401 e. silver spring drive, whitefish bay, wi 53217
hours: mon-sat 10a-6p
phone: 414-332-3636

Yellow Wood was founded by the desire to offer brands that use environmentally responsible methods to create their products. We buy American-made when available and prefer to feature lesser-known, grassroots and/or local brands when possible.
“The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leasure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.” - Lawrence Pearsall Jacks
At the core of who we are is the belief that we can help you enjoy all the outdoor adventures that lie ahead safely and comfortably with the best gear and apparel available. We take pride in providing exceptional service. We want you to feel at home in our store; comfortable enough that coming back - even just to talk - will make us just as happy as it was to sell you some of our premier products.
We curate a wide selection of reliable, stylish, and sustainably-made gear each season with you in mind. To support you on the road less traveled, we always welcome feedback to better meet your needs for future seasons! Drop on by to share your thoughts.
Stop creating your bucket list; start living it! Too often, our everyday routine consumes us. Too often, we get so wrapped up in the minutiae of life that we forget to live. Yellow Wood Divergences is an adventure travel series that was born of the idea that we should break away – that we should adventure out – that we should explore – that we should remove ourselves from the familiar in order to grow our physical, spiritual, mental and emotional bodies.